The canasta is only complete with seven cards.
See the section on scoring below for a complete explanation. Canastas also have a separate point value. The point values are listed below for quick reference. face value/point value-Each card in the deck has a point value.Using wild cards to make canastas reduces the point value of the canasta, but helps you to create more canastas and play through your cards faster. Dirty/black/impure canasta-A canasta that was created using wild cards, worth 300 points.They refer to a canasta, or seven cards of a kind, such as seven kings or seven aces, which does not include any wild cards. Clean/red/pure canasta-These three terms all mean the same thing.Canastas are also sometimes called "books". All of the other cards have other purposes in the game. Canastas can be made with the numbered cards 4-10, jack, queen, king, and ace. Canastas-Sets of seven cards of a kind (may include cards from any suit), for example, 7 fours, or 7 kings.Play begins with the front hand and progresses through the back hand, until any player at the table plays the last card in their back hand.
The first pile is the front hand, and the second pile is called the back hand. Front hand and back hands-At the beginning of each round, each player is dealt two piles of 13 cards each.First Appearance of the Punisher in Comics Canasta Terms